I don’t get many opportunities to draw in different styles so I’m taking advantage of my current fascination with ink washes to use styles that I haven’t used in years. When I was in my late teens, I drew in a hybrid manga/American style a lot. At the time, anime/manga were just breaking into the American mainstream and having been a big fan of Robotech, Fist of the North Star, and other anime during my childhood, the Japanese influenced my art style for many years (as it did many artists of my generation). As everybody started to draw in a manga hybrid style, it lost some of its luster for me. Now, I generally avoid the stuff because it’s so prevalent. But in the case of this piece, I thought it would be fun to revisit that style a bit and see if I could still do it. It’s easier than I remember it being, to be honest. While I’d definitely do a few things differently the second time around, this piece only took me a little over an hour from start to finish. Not much time considering that ink washes are still kind of a new concept. I like it, though. It reminds me a lot of what I was doing in the mid-90s.
© 2012 rocketpig